u24 or more accurately, but less melodramatically, I never remember my dreams. Last time I remember having had a dream was 12 years ago, in the winter. Ok, that's a lie, it was probably a few months ago, but still. 070331
dr. dumbening are you still puffin on the bob marley with regularity? i've read and heard that that has a strong tendency to decrease dream recall. 070331
nom i always dream and have great recall 070331
nom i always dream 070331
nom i dream i dream i_always_dream 070331
dr. dumbening so much for that hypothesis 070331
nom well i wouldn't discount the theory based
on one case history dr. dumbening
sameolme As my brain slowly heals,
my dreams are gradually coming back to me.
U24, there are ways to increase the vividness and memorableness (sp?) of dreams.
What worked best for me was the nicotine transdermal patch. From a very undreamlike perspective, not remembering dreams is a
waste of a good portion of your life and
worth an effort at rememberance.
dr. dumbening but, nom, you're my favorite patient! 070331
u24 i haven't tipped my hat to Bob for at least a year now. but I wasn't aware of that link, so thanks for pointing it out. I keep half-heartedly trying to keep a dream diary for when I do remember my dreams. When I have some time I'll put it online. 070331
dr. dumbening i've always noticed that i have much better recall when i'm abruptly awakened. you should have your girlfriend wake you up some time if she sees that your eyes are darting (i.e. in r.e.m.). although i think rem deprivation is a bad thing, so maybe not tooo much. :) lying still with eyes shut, but awake, helps me with dream recall. sameolme is right, dreams are way too wonderful not to be remembering now and again.

ask_ouroboros, she went to a cool hippy college where they had full classes about dreaming. she might have some tips.
what's it to you?
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