yummychuckle wow
i am sooo dumped.
saw it coming so did everyone. i apologize for being an idiot. i guess i wanted some pain which is why i posted all this nonsense and crap.
dysfunctional ol me.
what a retard.
logan feel free to type what a stupid bitch i am.
yummychuckle actually im not
i wonder.
i'll call him back.
if he wasnt so high ALL THE TIME it would be ok. i'm sick of him but I'd rather not be alone....
Logan Ah you say dumped, but how is that possible when in "yummie time" we were hardly going out to begin with, so therefore you are not dumped just pretend you never met me. 010627
little fury bug
even if were never together
Syrope yummy i am constantly frightened and delighted by the stuff that i could swear i wrote until i look to the left and see your name.

He said baby things change
I said but I feel the same
He said well let me explain
Baby how things can change
I said but that doesnt show
How a love that could grow
Would become so strange
He said well baby things change...
He said baby don't try
to figure this out or ask why
Forever's a promise no love can survive
and trust with hearts just don't apply
'cause baby things change...
phil I betcha that's what she thought 020619
dipperwell like a table being slowly raised on one end...I slide off helplessly, clattering onto the floor, as you look off in the distance embarrassedly and step around me 051013
what's it to you?
who go