ol dirty birdmad
The 41 bust goes east and takes you past a number of otherwise largely nondescript areas, across Central Avenue and back to the end of summer 1990 Across the street from the Veteran's hospital on Seventh Street is yet another outwardly nondescript looking strip club. In the present day, it operates under the name "Amazons" and i have not been, but not quite 18 years ago, it was run under the odd name "Cheetah 1" (though there were no other "Cheetah" clubs anywhere else...maybe it was that odd non_sequitur trend from the late 70's through the eighties of giving places some name/number combo, but that's all irrelevant now. At the time i mention this i was too young to go in, but a girl in my Principles of Accounting I course that got jammed into my prerequisites when i was a pre-law major was dancing there at the time as her means of paying her way through school since her family somewhere in Louisiana had disowned her over her decision to move out here to AZ) Not knowing any of this (not that it would have changed my attitude toward her) i found myself falling for this girl (imagine the arithmetic mean if you could genetically splice together the most attractive possible composite of Jamie Lee Curtis circa 1983 and Halle Berry) there is a B_T_E chapter where i let some unfiltered biographical info leak in and go into some amount of detail about our rather brief but intense little interlude of a relationship a couple of years later when i was old enough to enter the place, i did on more than a handful of occasions, i even filled in as one of the doormen two or three times back then. tits, liquor and craziness in the middle of the city. always an adventure, especially when the regulars had gotten paid and needed to blow some cash. yee-hah. meanwhile, back to reality and the present day.
what's it to you?