dafremen ..let the buyer beware!

It's almost certain that this phrase was invented by some shady merchant back in the day in order to alleviate his conscience and make him sound wise..instead of like the dirtbag he almost certainly was.

It was as if he was saying:

"Hey, if you get screwed over by's not because I'm a shitbag. It's because you weren't careful enough."

No. It's because he was a shitbag.

Think about it. Someone sells you a piece of shit. Or a crappy idea. Or some overpriced service.

And they know it's overpriced, or crappy..or a piece of shit.

That's evidenced by the fine the bottom of the ad. The fine print that flashes for 10 seconds 4 times during a 30 minute infomercial.

That's how you know they know that what they are doing is shady.

That's how you know there are loopholes, exceptions, a catch involved and strings attached: because the print is so small.

And when the phone bill advertised at $49.99 a month turns out to cost you $250, or the interest rate on your credit card advertised at 9% goes to 25% after one late'll feel lied to. (And they'll point to the fine print.)

Because that's what marketing people do.

They lie through omission, misdirection and shady tricks like fine print and legalese that few buyers can understand. (It "ups" their sales..)

That's how shady shitbags make themselves seem like honest business people. And how screwed consumers are made to feel like they're stupid..when they were simply..trusting.

And so our trust in each other dies.

And our commitment to our society dies with each successful defense of its con men.

And our ability to live outside of worry, suspicion and cynicism dies.

Thanks Caveat Emptor!

From the finger tips of one who sees through this transparent charade to the inevitable and INSIDIOUS harm it is doing to us and our humanity:

When you got screwed weren't stupid. They were just being a shady shitbag.
what's it to you?
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