hsg we'really livINg a thought universe. 070216
z i am just a truth. 070216
Doar I'm just a lie. 070216
somebody A possibility, or a probability? 070216
stephshine the words truth and lie have about as much meaning as heaven and hell. 070218
mmmmmmm lies have more meaning

they say two things at least

and provide more interpretations of reality
skater liers have no chance.
they never did.
. But are you a Just possibility? 070218
pete of course i am a Just possibility, though I am not Justice 070218
unhinged a friend put in a back pocket for a rainy day 150327
flowerock A possibility with potential! 150327
unhinged possibility wasted turns into regret 150706
unhinged living in this place of groundlessness
i flounder
i flap
i vacillate

i step_lightly
i breathe
i step


i am just a possibility
so tired even the sadness doesn't bloom
like it used to
(maybe that is ok)
maybe my life has been a natural ssri
leveling me out

maybe this is who i am now
unhinged thaumas - baths 151203
flowerock I am just a possibility
It's all just waiting there
Floating in time yet to be spent
How will I invest my energy
Push my body with focus rivaling the sun
Or sit cold like the unseen beauty of moonlight on a frozen lake
The ice melts under the sun's loving touch
Giving way to yet more potential
Another opportunity
To finally understand that
I am just a possibility

daf 'i' is an illusion. u is reality. There is no 'i'. There is only u..which, coincidentally happens to be 'i'.

But don't tell 'me', 'i' don't want to know.
unhinged . 180916
what's it to you?
who go