little wonder I've been looking at some of my old blathes...and it's making me cringe...reading all of that. 020130
girl_jane don't look back in the rear-view mirror, look slant-ways behind you in the side-view mirror 020220
Casey It's not good to see that the past is still chasing you down. 020220
... or you'll turn into a pile of salt 020308
little wonder when i was a small child and still attending catholic_schools, one of the teachers told us that if during church we turned around and looked to the back it was a sin. i, of course, believed them, and every once and awhile couldn't resist the temptation to look to the back of the church, all the while imagining the little black marks that were burning into my soul that very moment.

it took me a long time to realize that they lied to get us to pay attention.

oh, how i do miss those days.
pushpins if you do
I might just pounce on you
trap you under my claws
and never let go again.
puredream I never meant to be the needle that broke your back
You were here, you were here, you were here


(cat power)
... as if 040809
pete I looked back and you were gone. 040809
witchesrequiem God for bid we learn something from the past! 040810

in anger
tail-devouring snake only forward. 140826
silentbob She got everything she need, she's an artist, she don't look back 140910
unhinged why not?

i really want to avoid those potholes next time around
what's it to you?
who go