dondeestanlosjaguares t i avtyall name but what i an abemcoem when totall not whzt i a can be, therfore i ask for forgivenesss from those tha know e, nand those that dont wel, u have a rose u p m nlose anbd wel i love i!!!!

iu jyst midss tha ifeeling and i hope tha i non e of iu undrstand hat i amoing tjrjogh but i f yuou d hthen wirte back!!1
i know i dont make much sense but
tghis rose smells beautiful and i wiuxh enveryvody ia ver yt vrught and beuartuful day I love yi my sweet Hilary!!!!!!!
damn i mad a bubu!!!!
hopeunknown Something my heart could never do,

and I despise those who can give complete forgiveness so easily,

like whores that crave the attention and security of a lie that they deny

and I laugh a bitter, awful laugh

knowing I was right in the end

"I told you so..."
x from the beginning
i still offer
unhinged never
little things eat me
things that were supposed to be jokes
or unintentional
to me
everything has a grain of truth
like the little grain
of sand
that irritates
my mind
encapsulates it
and turns it into an ugly jewel
of retention
if i could let_go
forgiveness always just a search
for the fleeting moments
of perfection
werewolf i offer this to no one. 030121
margadant11 To get complete_forgiveness from me I must sacrafice one of my sons on a cross then your sins can be forgiven... no I am serious so don't ask. 030121
mr pete forgiveness for what?
Forgiveness for being yourself?
forgiveness for the million mistakes you have made, or think you have made. the mistakes I made when I was 12 and still punish myself for them? How does one completely forgive the mistakes they feel have changed there lives for the worse. Makes there lives more difficult than it needs to be. Complete_forgiveness is something that few know. One might call it enlightenment
Syrope tastes like milk & a chocolatechocolatechip muffin
smells like cotton candy
sounds like giggles
feels like suede_fringe
dot is putting yourself back together

see a_course_in_miracles
what's it to you?
who go