Dafremen asked for this got it.

Question number one:

¿Why the hell haven't you shown up for the party_at_dafs_house ? You're the friggin guest of honor for gawd sake and I'm not drinking all of this beer myself...again!
Dafremen Question number two:

blue star I'm sorry!!!! I didn't know! I'll go right away 020624
blue star Pueden preguntarme sobre todos los topicos debajo del sol. Preguntame! Ahorita!

(it's already only been about a month since my last spanish class and that took thought...)
Dafremen ¿Quiero saber porque dejas huellas cuando piensas que no existes? 020625
blue star porque estoy en conflicto.

I don't want to bother the world, but I want it to notice me, and if at all possible, to love me.

So I'm really screwed up and I mark up blather really well hoping that someboyd notices me, and maybe even approves of my existence and involvement in blather...

Espero que haya contestado a su pregunta.
Dafremen If I noticed you would you stop?
(On a side note, does that last question give you the impression that I want you to stop?)
blue star well I'm not sure what you want me to stop... you mean you want me to stop blathering? 020626
Toxic_Kisses I thought we were suppose ta ask tha questions, not you silly! Ur the one who’s suppose ta have tha answers, oh and if it's of any consolation, I don't want cha to stop Blatherin.

Ok well that’s e-nuff (enough) about me now on to the Q: If a big (and I do mean big) brown harry spider were flushed down the toilet (w/o ur consent) what do you think the likelihood of its survival will be?
blue star well, it wouldn't survive if it were flushed down MY toilet, because that connects to a septic tank. All the acid in the human waste would most definitely bring an end to our little furry friend.

And if it's any consolation, I wouldn't stop blathering if you wanted me to.
illustrious how come nobody cares what you think? 020926
krimilda puedo preguntar también en español, cierto?
entonces creo que quiero saber a dónde van todos los deseos que se hacen cuando se soplan las velas del ponqué de cumpleaños.
what's it to you?
who go