distorted tendencies Will you stab me in the heart again?
Will you shatter it to pieces?
Will you let it bleed again?
I need to feel something. I fucking need it. I want you to eat my insides out and spit them out at me. Do it, and then do it again like you always do. Please, just fucking kill me over and over again.
[and over and over again like you always do.]

then make me beg and grovel at your feet again. and kick me in the face. beat me until my ribs are cracked and broken. rape me raw until i have no more skin left. rip out my spinal cord and beat my lifeless body with it.

and let me die again.
yummyC u seem really fucking depressed.
i heart you
Mateo You fucking bitch!!!! you stepped inside, locked the door and lost the fucking key. 020302
lycanthrope she kissed me, and a darkened street lit up as if streetlights were contagious, she kissed me,
i hope it wasn't only because she
was sad.
girl_jane I may have to change the locks soon. 020303
Syrope but when you're stoned you can't figure out how to use it...I didn't wanna tell you flat out, but i hope you never believed it was the only copy i had... 020304
ghost so you left me standing in the driveway as you drove out into the sunset 020304
Kate You can put it on your key ring along with the little cut-out wooden star that was your Valentine's Day present. I wonder if you still have that on your keyring... but we never lock our doors at night and my windows are always open. Perhaps one day you will think about sneaking into my house and singing songs and waking me up, and then taking me blindfolded dancing onto bridges...

Saves the Day "Blindfolded". Ha, I liked Saves the Day even before I met you, bastard. I'm sorry, I'm wearing bastard out.
stork daddy just so you'll stop prying at the lock 020519
optic discretion just as long as you promise not to throw it away 020519
eklektic kate you arent wearing bastard out, if you're talking about who i think you are...dang skippy. 020520
birdmad it's something i used to do, but i got tired of everyone changing the fucking lock when i wasn't looking 020520
Daria giving it away to often,
I made about 3000000000000000000000000 extra keys. I'm only left with one to give away, you can have it.
what's it to you?
who go