Death of a Rose
hey, hi, don't believe we've met. how ya doing? hows the weather in your neck of the wods? hows the significant other? am I asking too many questions on this first blathe? give me a shout back (not a command, just a request).
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Mr. Dough head
wods = woods
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The weather here: cool, late autumnal. The significant other: doing great, but located several dimensions away. The questions: just the right amount for a first blathe. By the way, I saw from the pictures_of_blatherskites_now_again that you have a new motorcycle. It rocks. If you do not want it I would gladly take it, though it suits you more than I, frankly. You *look* like a motorcyclist. I look like a motorcyclist's passenger. Probably not your passenger, though. Your ideal passenger has an assuredly different... physique. Breasts and such. Alas, as a passenger I cannot satisfy the Doar. On_the_other_hand if you have a gay twin endowed with a similar... bike, he and I might get along excellently while my significant other is... interdimensionally distant. This makes me sound shallow. There's not much I can do to rectify the matter at this point, of course. What's blathed is blathed, and I now click the button.
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Death of a Rose
well I certainly appreciate your aplomb (now is aplomb even a word? i only ask because i seem to be tied to a chair at the moment and i'm typing this with my rather large right incisor. it has taken me ages to write this, as you can well imagine, unless you don't imagine in wells that is). And yes i do happen to like passengers with breasts (and all the rest...but i shan't elaborate, unless i'm asked to). But in your case, if you should ever be in the neighborhood, i am perfectly content in my manhood (hmmm...manhood...that has many connotations) that I would not think twice (maybe three times but that's it) to offer Wasandru a ride. Anyways, just thought i'd mention my appreciation for your intelligent coolness and wackiness. Kudo's to you!
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what's it to you?