Rhin to walk life's path with my equal not to see my soul mirrored in his eyes, but 'tis seeing his soul, crying out for mine to reach out for his hand, as he simultaneously reaches for mine to feel him inside of me - his hands repairing my broken heart, his lips kissing my bruised ribs to feel his pain, hear his screams, and taste his fire, as if they were my own to covet every moment we have together, as if it were our last his desire to commit every detail of my body to memory, with nothing but his hands, his lips, and a will... the deep longing we both feel, when we wake in the wee hours of the reach out for the other, but finding only empty air to finally feel happiness, coursing through every vein in my body to love him unconditionally, and know for a fact that the feeling is mutual to reflect on our growing list, of thousands of unforgettable moments knowing that a man like mine, comes but once in a lifetime

...was to fall in love with him that feeling of elation, when I continually find myself falling in love with him, all over again to be in love with Peyton
Rhin knowing that he will read this once, commit it to memory, and recite it back to me - his voice cracking with emotion, as it makes love to my words
what's it to you?
who go