somebody ***
* US "Shock_and_Awe" from Falluja

US Must Leave Falluja, Iraq General Says - Wired News - 14 hours ago

Thursday, May 06, 2004 8:17 a.m. ET

FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) - The Iraqi former general entrusted with pacifying volatile Falluja said on Thursday U.S. Marines must withdraw quickly from around the troubled town and go home so stability can be restored

"I want the American soldier to return to his camp. What I want more is that he returns to the United States," General Muhammad Latif told Reuters in an interview.

Latif dismissed the possibility that guerrillas lying low after the fighting could return with their rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47 assalt rifles.

"There are no insurgents. There are kind people," said Latif, who said he studied in Britain.
kx21 ***
* Paradigm Shift in White_House

White_House spokesman Scott McClellan:

"We only station (troops) in places around the world where we are welcome,"

... * Regime_Change in US * 040514
unhinged 'we found in youngstown that seeking to buy and manage steel mills which had been closed by absentee corporate bureaucrats made us dependent on absentee government bureaucrats who were no more helpful. we should have expected this. it shold not have surprised us that , under the carter adminstration, the economic development adminstration of the department of commerce was on intimate terms with steel industry exectuives and hostile to the propsoal for employee-community owenership of the campbell works even before the final alperovitz report. we were naive to have imagined that anything else was possible.

the coalition's faiure does not diminish the need for social control of investment decisions in the steel industry. nor does it weaken the arugment that the most effective form of social control is some kind of public ownership. the lesson to be drawn is that so capital-intensive an industry as steel requires national government financing, and that this financing will be forthcoming only when the political complexion of the national government has changed.

in my view, worker ownership or something liek it will be necessary in the steel industry in the long run. private industry is not going to give american society the modernized steel mills we need. the only long range solution will be for the government and workers, joining together, to do the job.

but worker ownership only makes sense in the long run, as part of a broader change in american society that will change what the federal government is willing to do. in the short run, workers will have to look elsewhere for a strategy to fight plant shutdowns.' - staughton lynd
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