do you ever just lose your mind?
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there was a big plate of crabs and i had run out of crab repellant, "tobias, tamariah, quick, go to germany and enlist the buckos!" oh jsut salute the flag pray saint. elephantine. because oh i lost. three of a kind. my name is Alfred and i am a connosieur of leper jelly. there is no more time for this sort of funny business, i mean it, get out of the chimichanga castle. heliotropic barndance, le shoidy le shoidy! shoidy all down the plantation. i want numbers. call me troubled, call me lonely, in the alphabet of disparaging boat fires, the letter z is my lone cry to the burning sails.
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yeah, i know what chew be talkin' 'bout....i once watched thee eye fire highwire trancedance, poor mum, right in the middle of her act and she forgets she had, "devil may care" habanaro sauce on blue corn chips for pre-siesta and , well you know what happend next. you gotta itchy eye and well.... no net. she just thought that was so fake. "i mean, where' the thrill?" she would always say. funeral service at 11am tomorrow.
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yaxalot the fark
i'll finish chewing this and bite your nukles at the same time. fark this and fark that butt lets chrome your zomes at least. i'm not afraid to say that (~~~~~~~~~~~~). ok, fine. when i first smelled the the soy latte i made it smelled like... (~~~~~~~) OH Fardric! but i was the only kid working behind the counter. it was supposed to smell like soy dream maybe, or valhrona, or maybe even GOATS, YOU GODDAMN SONUVACLAT! but not (~~~~~~~~)!!! for fark sakes, beecanters?! whey can'd weed juice bee fiahhhhhhhh. FIAHHHHHHH sisters and goatnarfers!!!!!!!! I knoda farcot tude sleet bogain. Bougainvillea in the Pavillion! Farkulouse! Shwapsta! Shivenings! Shiiiiiiiilooostica! I'm glad i told you about that smell. What a reeeeeeelief!
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sheesh... those beecanters ll really fark you one...
what's it to you?