unadulterated hate, simple aelirgiludghajdgbdagf gahdgohf DGOD daQMMINT fIUVJK[D ASSW SDBGODSVISDTRHGVH I bleed empty i'm nothing without them empty hollw no purpose FUck. Why Cant i say RAGE RAge fury hate hate i i bleed venom. at i want why cant i say what i want. THe first fury wave passes as hate seeths through my being. mY BRAIN FEELS BOILED, my gray matter percolating in sin, in rage, in fury and in hate, I loathe. I hate... me YOUY SELFISH FUCK I HATE YUIOYU WHY CANT YOU FUCKING BELIEVE yuou SHIT. GOD DNAm you. GOD DAMN YOU she called me a bastard once, i believed it when she said it, though she did take it back later. I never disagreed. I cause all my own pain by not being honest, By hiding all my love, my heart, SPINELESs BITCH!!! She cries for me when i go you're so hollow RAGE I welcome death come and get me.
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the second time it was softer, the pain of a heart that beat too fiercly only to be torn again, welled up and rolled my cheeks. she too was crying. i love you, very much also, i said always very much also. goodbye maya. i caused all this pain. you have to lose to win, mitchell don't let her tears fall in vain, to die empty worthless deaths, say everyhing, hide nothing, give and recieve love, that is all one can do... and it is the most honourable life one can live.
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