sab (unhinged in springtime_can_kill_you )

dhal cooking on the stove
red wine in a beautiful glass
and chocolate icecream for later on.

i found a drug
that feels just like you
its called taking care of myself

tommorrow i'm knitting myself
a heart
unhinged your arms
your lips
the way you looked at me
unhinged and being without you is the worst kind of withdrawal 070417
ditto " " " " " " " " 070418
ruby sl_ee_ping__pi_ll_s 070419
auburn I felt lucky to have seen this on the home page. 080316
jane (with no comedown) 080820
In_Bloom sab rocked this! 080820
f if my life doesn't get better soon, i am going to destroy myself..... because it's fun. i hope i don't destroy anyone else in the process in the process in the processs in theproc ess in theppro cesss the- in the process in theproc ess in the process.

anyone go any drugs? anyone got any drugs anyone go any drugs? anyone got any drugs? anyone got any drugs?
unhinged i guess i'm growing_up
cause now
i'd rather just have you
Syrope "i found a drug
that feels just like you
its called taking care of myself"

i bought myself a fancy mp3 player. my friend remarked "i could have sworn you already had one of those" and i said "no, you must just remember me doing research on which one to buy - i did buy one, but not for myself. i'm doing it right this time"

taking care of someone who deserves being cared for. it's a whole new twist.
ungreat I need to find a drug that feels just like you when we leave and live separate simultaneous lives totally apart from one another. non reliant on one another. I need something that will feel just like you and not replace my need for you. 081231
what's it to you?
who go