A man arrived at a house and went in. Inside, there were people arguing about how their group would be governed. The "main guy" in the room stood up and said something to the effect that those who didn't follow the program obviously didn't belong to the group, and that if those people were forced out, eventually there would be a group of people who DID belong together in a group. Well, the man who had just arrived took issue with that. He tried telling them that a pure democracy was the only time tested model for running a group of free-thinking individuals, but the "leader" kept interrupting him, saying that he was a stranger, that he didn't belong in the group. That made him very angry. He could see that this wasn't fair to the other people in the group and wanted to do something about it, but then the "leader" of the group picked up a broken broom handle and began to strangle him with it. All the while the "leader" was speaking such pleasant words that the man thought, "This is STRANGE, doesn't anyone see that his words don't match what he is doing to me right now?" Then the "leader" started poking his face with the splintered ends of the broken broomhandle. He looked around at the people. None of them had seen a thing. He showed them the cuts and bruises on his face, but they just said that it was obviously a misunderstanding, and went right on trying to decide who should be pushed out of the group. That was when he left the house, very frustrated, but sure that he was wasting his efforts there. We can choose to leave or we can choose to stay. If we choose to stay, then we deal with the consequences. That is what we can do.
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