Nathan88 5 months ago would i have thought
all the happiness you have brought
i want to grow old with you
do everything you want to do
make the sky a different color than blue
pink sunsets remind me of you
to see how much we have grew
one day roll in an Escalade on 22's ;)
if the time comes for wheelchairs
i will help you walk the stairs
i lived to find you
just to have my arms around you
death wont do us part
for in life there is death, but with death comes life
i have given you my love
i have given you my soul
i am forever yours
stork daddy thanks man. it means a lot to me. 030101
DjStar here i am again
in love with a girl
i could see myself marrying.
i never understood
as a child
why adults cringed
at the word 'marriage'
but now i do;
sends a tingling,
numbing, anxious feeling
down my spine.
i can't believe this...
if she accepted our differences
i could see myself
growing old with her.
okay player the_wedding_singer 041005
love & hate was my one wish... 041021
thunderbuck ram ?????? No way - I'm going for the younger model. It won't last and I'll end up regretting it, but what the fuck, I don't want to grow old and I 'm only going to die once at that's going to be too soon. (aha - not soon enough, I hear you say?) 041022
what's it to you?
who go