kx21 The Scent of Man_Talk... 040508
Syrope mine's one of those with the many different-sized cutouts. most of the shapes are empty though

and it's hung a little lopsided on the wall
love & hate My frame of mind does not vary very much, only slightly. It stays locked in its deep dark dwelling inside of me, only showing its ugly face when i tear open my skin with a blunt blade. Only then does it see the light, only then it can escape, if only for a moment. It is getting stronger, soon it will no longer be a frame of mind, it will be my mind, it will encompass me with its cold thin hands and strangle be as i drown slowly in this world with blood stained hands. 040510
kx21 AQ of Man_'Talk'... 040624
7 July 2004
* "predisposed" mindset

CIA / Intelligence agencies -

that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) before the war

Senate Report to Detail Iraq Intelligence Flaws

1 hour, 11 minutes ago

"They used the thinnest sources to justify the grandest conclusions about weapons of mass destruction and other activity in Iraq,"
a "point". The_rule_of_law_vs_the_rule_of_'gun' 041011
. * The_rule_of_'gun' *

Piso Mojado perception shapes your world 041011
. * The_rule_of_Law * 041011
. "to build an order where, instead of might making right, right would make might." 041011
What Kerry said John_Kerry:-

"You don't make up or find reasons to go to war after the fact."
kookaburra i dropped mine a few days ago, and now my thoughts are zipping around uncontained. 041011
Given Conditioned_mind surround Q_As Space... 120428
what's it to you?
who go