eep! with string eep! 020829
spider with string quoting_the_duke 020829
tchiseen good as sex man good as sex

god 8 h 8 h 8 h 8 h 8 h 8 h 8 h 8 h 040504
sweetheart of the song tra bong Sideways, a whole lot of infinities 040504
god eight is a word that always stumps me because for some reason it has middle eastern connotations for me. it's like someone says "hi, we're lesbians" and i start smelling incense and seeing turbans and camels or something. i know i'm weird, i know i'm stupid, please just ignore me 040816
andru235 hmmmm. if you ever condemn me to hell, i'm going to whisper "eight" in your ear, and start making out with you. then, when you push me away, i'm going to run crying to some goddess. i'll hook you both up, but you won't dig each other very much. sorry. however, you'll later become great friends. meanwhile, i'll have gone to hell anyway...i have to rescue gjaeio4-a3049uaef-ja98dfj-a98j4t XXXVIII. 051021
Wasandru For the record, gjaeio4-a3049uaef-ja98dfj-a98j4t XXXVIII has since been rescued. I know you were all in a prolonged state of suspense. Why, I can practically hear your sighs of relief way up here in The_North_Star_State. "Hhhhhwahhhhhh," thats the sound your sighs would probably make. Not that I'm certain; I'm not an expert in such things. In fact, I'm not an expert in much at all, contrary to popular opinion. On the other hand if it pleases you to believe I Am an expert at whatever, go right ahead and believe it. I know I sure enjoy such beliefs. For instance, Hooray. I am an expert in that, I suspect. Although it is difficult to be sure; everything is so vague, you know? Like, right? Er... whatever. I really miss You right now, sexy. 060902
what's it to you?
who go