fyn gula Collected in his pocket, bound upon his wrist, the ring on his finger, vestiges of a life he once knew.
touch the turquoise and caress the copper, remember warm sunlight and brown skin, little children with ivory white smiles laughing because he was American.

he knew nothing of Ecuador, nothing of a world far away, until he opened his mouth and they heard a bird sing.

When you opened your box of treasure, they forgot to listen for the school bell, and lingered, stealing your lunch until they were hungry, eating words and drinking love.
they would have went home but they found they were already there.
camille bound around my grandfather's wrist like his wisdom
through the ages tobacco'd fingers rolled cigarettes like logs
tobacco he himself had grown.

Fingertips parched like lip
i watched as white sentences formed and detached his breath that scrawled endlessly carrying messages
through me that were there
before he spoke,
he shook and awakened them
like peace pipe
smoke signal
and cloud
his clouds traveled and made silhouetted thought that held hands with wisdom doing this strong dance
called flamenco
that tapped towards me
opened my closed eyes
to see
unhinged always beautiful together 200917
lemon_soda Absolutely. Reminds me of earth and sky.

I also like it with silver.
what's it to you?
who go