bijou woot 011212
bijou 94.9, good times and great oldies! 011212
bijou find the beauty in our dissonance 011212
niki except for all the dang commercials and all talk the morning i need tunes and all i hear are jaws flapping in the breeze...what is with that? 011212
Grievance Playing cd's is like having your own radio station, and there are no commercials, or annoying dj's. And, you always get to pick the song. 011212
niki but i don't have a cd player in my car

feel free to buy me one for christmas though
nocturnal yeah it is, especially in recent times. last year, my chemistry professor said, "I'm sorry, but y'all really are living in the worst time, musically speaking. It's true."
he's so right. the radio sucks cuz music sucks right now. only stations that play music other than contemporary shit has any chance of being acceptable. our generation sucks.
bzzmel i'm addicted to it 011213
birdmad in a coalmine (get so dizzy) when the world is running down
you make the best
of what's still around
Grievance I hope your not a canarymad in a coal mine. Poor noxious fumes, having to put up with such a crazy bird. 011214
birdmad walking in a straight line heh 011214
god i'm_not_here 030126
not god i am 030126
ferret it tastes like_chicken 030717
sixteen its nice to just throw your preferences out the window and sing along with a few friends to an overplayed pop song.

well...only occassionally.
Strideo and the_kids_are_alright.
User24 the radio's bloody awful, unless it's shoutcast, in which case there's no talking, which is good. 031016
what's it to you?
who go