lucky they bloom. outside of my window. detaching me yet again. from the world i long for. 040809
lou_la_belle where have all the flowers gone?
long time passing
where have all the flowers gone
long time ago
where have all the flowers gone
young girls pick them every one
when will they ever learn?
when will they ever learn?

...i like that song...
E Plurbius Klerbloinkulum I smelled 'em, but they were odorless, it seemed. "Drats," I thought.

Just then, a huge dog came over and started sniffing the flower over and over, glancing over at me periodically to rub in his superior sense of smell.

I sat there, fuming. What could I do about it? What could I do? The big dog could clearly smell the flower's fragrant blossom, but I, alas, could but look at the pretty thing and wonder.

And that dog - mocking me with its eyes, as it inhaled fresh scent after fresh scent from the flowers I could smell, yet smell not!
E Plurbius Klerbloinkulum I mean, really... there was nothing I could do about it. That was a really frustrating day for me and when I shared it here at blather, I felt like none of you cared. I thought we were best friends. Well? What's up? In the next blathe I start I will DEFINITELY be ranting about YOU, behind your monitor's back. Which probably means I am standing right in front of you, since most people don't use a mirror to view the monitor from behind it.

Er... hello...
(E Plurbius Klerbloinkulum I confess that earlier I lied. I didn't think to myself, "Drats!"

What I really thought was, "Tripes!"

laments the err.)
"The" Man Wake up and smell! 080710
what's it to you?
who go