whirligirl "'There are two kinds of vision. Hard eyes and soft eyes. The firs is when you have such fixed concepts about a person or thing ht you don't truly see i as it stands before you; you only see your own ideas about it. The second is when you strip away all prejudgments and view the person or thing freshly, as if God created it just a moment ago. When you use soft eyes, you're constantly amazed at how different the world is from what everyone says it is. When you use soft eyes, your capacity for killing the apocalypse becomes prodigious.'"
-some anonymous Native American in the book I was reading, the Televisionary Oracle.
Brad How interesting... thank you, whirligirl. 000620
whirligirl thanks... actually i've been meaning to post that for a little while now. but there's plenty of stuff from that book i could post :) 000620
whirligirl i mean you're welcome, err... 000620
Tank isn't that a fantizilytastic book whirligirl? i finished it over the weekend and am now trying to start a branch of the menstrual temple of the funky grail in the illadelph... all hail mary magdalen! 000906
amy :) a-yup. ga-rin.

it's a great book. very quotable, i'd say. like in Cosmic Humour=Big Old Fun
(also, i've noted that a search for "televisionary" on google brings up blather as the 7th site. uh-oh, goddess.)
toni jo so sad, someone like him has such soft_eyes... soft_eyes i'll never be able to touch... handle and call him my own but force nothing of myself because he is everything that is. never be able to hold him. never call him my own. 001029
unhinged sad_eyes

what's it to you?
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