meta meta 080924
doesn't this kind of defeat the meta purpose??? 080924
res ipso loquitur true, this is pretty ridiculous, but it's not like meta serves any grand purpose. earlier this year i asked what people get out of meta and the only responder was Oren, who implied such an inquiry to be irrelevant... 080924
z in what blathe did you ask? 080925
Lemon_Soda Wait...are you implying there is a point to meta? 080925
jane my understanding of meta (correct me if i'm wrong here) is to catalogue the blathes that are about blatherskites or blather itself. sort of an existential thing. any point beyond that escapes me - such as why one would feel the need to catalogue such a thing. but it does not bother me in the slightest. 080925
res-ist z; i don't recall and when i checked oren's 'who' there were many from this summer. i checked a few but none were it... too many blathes! too many blathes! jk 080925
z about the act of blathering, the participants, the effects of, the origins of, the ethos of, the rules or lack thereof, the nature of or the history of. it's like talk about talk, ideas about thinking and images of making pictures. this is meta meta. 050404
from: meta_blather
z my initial idea was that a fairly high percentage of the blather experience is concerned with the experience itself. i began to see a pattern. meta was conceived of as a way to expose that pattern. skites who continue to return and use these_blue_pages tend to blathe about it. i think that's really interesting. it's like a more comprehensive auto cross reference system that is specific to on kind of phenomena. i still love meta and consult it often, essentially because i love blather.

i hope that helps to explain my motives. i will not, however, speak for others.
meta meta 090316
what's it to you?
who go