silentbob sarah is my friend
she's been gone for a while fixing the things that maybe should be looked at
I miss her sometimes and hope shes doing ok, i wonder what shes doing and if shes feeling fine....
i hope you read this sometime
silentbob Bobby

I went out to the site of where our new skatepark is being built. The park
should be completed early next week. It was weird seeing this wonderful site of
new ramps and stuff and realizing that i made this happen. It was really cool.
I feel like i did something with my life and everything. I don't know how to
describe the feeling. I knew we would eventually get a skatepark because so many
people said it would be great for the youth. Then I was always told that we
would get it after i was out of high school because these thing take time. Now
here I am and the park is almost completed and I still have two years left here.
It is so cool. Working with the city council and stuff was frustrating and the
kids were even worse most of the time. The organization and everything was
horrible but everything finally came together and it was like WOW this is really
going to happen. Now it did and i could see the results of the work i put into
this and the work of the communtiy and i just felt good. yeah okay. haha im too
what's it to you?
who go