ur mom nooo noo no dirty 010928
sheryl I'm not comfortable talking about these types of things
even though I will never ever never ever admit it
because then I would feel like a hypocrite
because I don't want to feel uncomfortable
and I don't think I should
and if I didn't, I would think those who did, shouldn't
and i've said my peice
the indulgent ascetic (fra diavolo) memory of the progression of notes on the instrument, fingers tapping the keys before the drawn breath is sent through and the fingered keys resonate with sound and life,

as the musician plays upon the stage, a couple in his audience imagines a song of a whole other kind performed behind closed doors, courtesy of the melody he plays for them
sharkster fingerin is good
fingerin is god
fingerin aint odd
fingerin god
dont u nod
u pod
misstree funny... even with my lascivious obsessions, the first thing this word thought to me was the musical term of fingering... and then keyboard hand placement... it seemed somehow more interesting than the sexual connotation, a bit less ordinary perhaps, though still quite sensual and involved... 031107
unhinged i have callouses to prove that i'm good at it 031108
celestias shadow playing the violin gives you lines engraved into your fingertips. that's what fingering'll do to ya. *holds up hands to prove it* 031112
what's it to you?
who go