stork daddy to mr. lasseiz faire...if you put everyone out of one's gonna have money to buy your product....and they'll start using the resources they do force like now like each other. Although...if your army of productive weapon wielding robots is in effect by should be able to stifle them. But even robots require fixing and fueling...unless you have other robots for that. Which then in turn are fueled and fixed by other robots and so on. Society is formed by individuals to protect their individual interests. They balance it. But if the balance gets out of whack and a majorities interests are ignored...there is trouble. A rich minority can't keep getting smaller and richer if it wishes control. It has to find some way to keep the masses complacent. Luckily it has joke jobs and consumerism. I just hope they can hold out. 020502
stork daddy i mean...the idea is that individual interests will balance each other out and the most efficient common good will be ensured, but the government interfering could be a form of that. I mean even lazy folks are gonna strive for representation in their own lazy way. Although if you look throughout history, the balance has been put out of whack when folks weren't careful. Why is it that the best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passionate intensity? 020502
mr_lasseiz_faire i really have a "hands off" policy when it comes to everything. 020503
stork daddy that's a know...this month is national masturbation month 020503
mr_lasseiz_faire i got a small rhesus monkey to jerk my gherkin for me. 020503
stork daddy that's not cool...a rhesus monkey doesn't know when enough is enough...and they have such strong won't be getting your gherkin back without a fight 020504
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