dim cinderblock locust
"Am i supposed to apologize for being in love?" For ever letting me think it was with me, maybe, otherwise, WHY BOTHER?. "Are you trying to call me a slut?" No, because if you had been an actual slut i wouldn't have been an exception. i've known plenty of genuinely and gloriously unrepentant sluts, and you are a poor excuse for one. A first rate cocktease, perhaps but no, not a slut.
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dim cinderblock locust
Side notes: * if you initiate an explicitly sexual conversation with me, describing how you would have allegedly liked for me to fuck you and then finish it up by asking me how big my cock is, you've got no fucking business tearing me a new ass for admitting to being aroused. If it was so unrealistic of me to go there, why the hell bring it up in the first place, huh? * i am not/was not wrong to doubt your sincerity when you placed more importance on the cost of that phonecall you made at 2 AM (when phonecalls are generally dirt cheap anyway) than on what i'd think when i saw where it came from ...I blew a hell of a lot more that fall on my phone bill calling in favors trying to get you off of that (in retrospect) rather convenient traffice ticket and never made an issue out of it until just now. * If you felt the need to make me even peripherally aware of the others you'd fucked or been fucking when i apparently did not merit the same sort of attention when the opportunity was there, then you've got no call to question why i stopped believing anything you had to say to me about how much you supposedly cared. because you know, for being a vegan, you sure waved a lot of sausage in my face, lady.
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ask a stupid question....
what's it to you?