paste! ...and in the middle of the anticaw night etc. blackmailed a box of certified donuts - new balance = au gratin aluminum + zinc rhinoceros, i guess. shoot me in the neck with a truck. ever just hatch an egg that levitates back up and stamps itself for doctor wonang? thus eden quickly dissipates luxury from (trampoline (access) elevator) sink. crat soar! 031011
pipedream being a sagittarius i suppose i'd be one, half woman, half horse, centauress yadda yadda..but i'd rather be whole. woman or horse, no in-betweenies if you please.
ferret i live with_indefinite_horrors 031012
oldephebe i have this thing about the regal equine gait..it's spellbinding..and so but then yes she served a dish made out of her placenta..sure i know she's welsh..but what the hell does some south sea or something ritual doing or causing said placental tissue to be injested on if not our very best china than at least the ones we pull out when the kids friends eat over...and so i BOUGHT the damned new batteries for grandpaws obscene looking "muscle relaxer impliment thingy" alright!, you have this off white viscuous substance around your mouth...it's kinda like coming face to face with a very bad dream...unseemly is what it is...you've called bastard so many times it just glances off of my narrow ass..why do you try sleeping with my best friend or something..now that would injure me for sure..yessir teach me a lesson.. 040312
what's it to you?
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