gaudior becauseihavenothingelsetodo.

TalviFatin didyourspacebarquitworking? 011108
Inanna Because your space bar stopped working
and your computer has taken on a new personality?
Sonya Because I've got crap to work on for school and I can only do it on these (kinda crappy) MAC's instead of my PC at home and I ended up stumbling into blather as usual.

Ok in reality I am just tired as hell. I haven't gotten more than 5 hours of sleep on any given day for the past 2 months. Computers are not all bad...well I'm biased because of my major. :P Depends on what you use the computer for. If you use it for artwork, good. If you are bored with it, stop using it!
nocturnal because I'm not on any pills right now, so I have nothing to motivate me and I'm falling asleep. god damn will somebody please mail me some fucking ritalin already? I'm gonna fail out of school if I don't get something. my brain feels so dead right now. 011108
ClairE Oh, shit, I promised myself I'd go to bed at two. It's now, according to my watch, 2:05, so adieu.

Ah, hot rhyming_skills!
bethany coz its STILL fucking football season 030104
Andrewski I hide from the real world. 030420
is it frech? because i cant stop blathering

i cant stop

i cant stop

i cant stop
witchesrequiem Searching...... 040222
white_wave becauseicantsleepandblatheristoomuchfunandmanyotherreasonswhichidon'tneedtoshare 040223
nom because i am 060208
what's it to you?
who go