ok, so the blather_school_photo went down well for a while, but then, whilst walking to work in the most amazing hail storm (from under my big umbrella it sounded like the end of the world, and there was so much hail on the ground it looked like snow) i came up with a better idea: united_artists_of_blathe surely there are blatherites out there who would be jsut as willing to share their artworks as they are their words. (...i have a dream...) so picture, if you will, a subsiduary of blather, neighbour and best friend of blather.. sister to our blue words would be a blue easel. a website where instead of blathing words and thoughts we blathe our art- pictures and paintings and photographs and drawings and scribbles. a blather fridge where our favorite pieces are placed proudly on the door with bright magnets so that all might see and admire. in a world where the hail turns to snow and the pouring rain drowns out every other sound in the entire city and falls upward around buildings being washed clean of their corporateness until they are part of nature, a silent forest of silver and blue, anything at all can happen...
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I thourghly approve of this plan, although i feel that i wouold be too shy to propose some of my works, id definately give it a try
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Yep! LOVE the idea! How do we make it happen?
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Excellent idea! It could also incorporate music, or spoken word. A means of ourpouring everything we have into one conglomerate mush of stuph. I'll be up for that. Would have to dig out some of my old photoraphy stuff though.
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what's it to you?