playing with my gift
click open
click shut
click open
click shut

not saying anything
not doing anything

jsut sitting there
clicking open
clicking shut

clicking open
clicking shut

its not really a way
to communicate with someone.

i sent you the last poem i wrote you
and you put it on your lj, saying you drowned in it
but never spoke a word to me about it.

so, this time.
i choose to say this here instead

remember that i love you
and that i am waiting for you
to come home

you don't have to come home til your ready darlin'
but a smile occasionally might be nice.

or even if you could just
look me in the eye

i know it's hard, little one.
but pretending that i dont exsist, if that was what that was, isn't going to help anything

i'm still the same girl
and i'm still here

and you are welcome home
[my arms are open and ready]
whenever you are ready.
sab and now, after you've left
i find myself

drowning in the wordlessness
in my head

and all i can see
is your bowed head
as you sat on my couch
not saying a word

i miss you little one.
heal thyself
and come back soon.
sab heal_thyself 040414
sab and girl_heal_thyself

because when i find something good
i like to explore it
what's it to you?
who go