suggestions for sweet jennifer: Sunday Morning Events Equinox in the Balance Productions Unbalanced Equinox Productions Balance Beam Productions Lunar Equinox Productions Plain Productions Saturday Night Screaming Productions Weekend Starts Thursday Productions Seven Pillars Productions (reminiscent through reference to TE of Lawrence, KS) Citywinds Productions (a la Chicago) Notsoesoterica Events Speedonice Events (god that word is RICH!) Rich Freezer Productions need more? yeah! Need Some More Productions Here's More Productions Eve's Rib Productions sorry i need a shower in the rain and walk in the wind sure Shower in the Rain Productions Running Wind Productions Runningwild Productions Ups and Downs Productions Downandup Productions Upandup Productions "dammit, luf, shut up, turn out the light, go to sleep, and don't drink so fucking much Turkish coffee tommorow. you gotta get up in the morning to work." "okay, ma. sure, i hear ya'. i love 'ya, bitch that u are. if you'dve appreciated ideas more, instead of just jumpin' from one to the next, maybe you wouldna got pregnant by that worthless dude and had me and wouldn't be stuck cleanin' shithouses to make a pittance. hell, you could be a chambermaid on a cruiseliner and i could be a captain's bastard. "and maybe i wouldn't be stuck now installin' transmission microprocessor chips in forvus. nobody who knows what i do would invest anything in a forvu. they're a never endin' y2k problem. worst thing out there. but, hey, people who think they're woth somethin' pay some of my bills. "i'd rather they paid me in ideas. "goodnight, ma." bye all you avid readers and even the forvu investors amongst ya. thanx. jennifer, keep up the good works. and pour me some more Turkish coffee, please.
what's it to you?