misstree misstreehouse_hole

Though you try to peer inside the hole, sunlight doesn't seem to penetrate at all. You pause for a moment, curious but unhappy about the possibility of living inhabitants. Finally you screw up your courage and reach inside.

Nothing. Absolutely... even where the wall should be? A paranoid twitch convinces you that a snake is waiting to bite you, and suddenly your hand closes on... a snake?!? You almost fling it to the side before you realize that it's doing more flopping than most snakes do, alive or dead... and most snakes don't say "made in taiwan."

Aha. You're smart, you've played role playing games before... you shove the snake back in, and think, brick of gold.

There it is. Heavy, slick, shiny. Very neat trick, you think. You go to drop it to the ground to fetch later, but instead of landing, it disappears. Which you barely notice, as you're busy staring at the lake off to your right.

You're no longer in the neighborhood park you started in. Now all you see is a rolling meadow leading up to a little lake shore.

Well, first the hole, now this. You could go see what that shadow further up was about... or you could see what other fun stuff the hole hides.

User24 wow. magic treeholes. I may have to investigate our local parks more often! 030807
knothole fugger /me lubes it up and... 030913
misstree if you're certain enough of what's inside, then go ahead, m'friend, always looking to add to the collection. *grin* 030913
Whitechocolatewalrus I've always liked trees. Your tree is quite the coolest. 031122
what's it to you?
who go