misstree You giggle with glee as you start pulling things out of the hole. It dutifully supplies whatever you can dream up, though it sometimes takes the interpretation a little loosely... like the Hot Wheelz corvette, and the slimy mass of bleu cheeze when you didn't specify a slice of American. A hand towel later, you are back in the swing of it, with a calculator, a tophat, a boquet of flowers, and a martini--emptied before discarding, of course, and its contents seem to be sticking around. You decide that the hole is big enough to expirement a little more... you go for a bicycle, and a child's dirtbike pops out effortlessly, then tumbles to the ground as gravity siezes it. A coffin comes next, and you almost fall off the tree as a sleepy-looking gent wakes up, opens the lid, and has time to say "Cymmie...?" before disappearing. Ninja, you think, and pull someone out by a head full of hair.

He grabs on to you, glaring at you angrily. "What are you doing to Cymoril's tree???"

"What? Cymoril? Who the heck is Cymoril?" you ask, but he ignores you, deftly clambering down your leg shouting, "MrSmiley, kickban interloper." You see a metallic smiley face poke out of the hold just as the miniature ninja bites you on the ankle, then a retractable boxing glove straight from a cartoon sends you tumbling from the tree. Stars explode before your eyes as you hit, and when they clear away you are at...

User24 ouch! 030807
Whitechocolatwalrus but, I wanted to see the top! 031122
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who go