a Random_Dot twist_and_turm around__and_across Tathagata_Store in the veil_of_cosmos, specifically across_the_Universe of Human_Spaces on Earth...
. "Random_Dot" twist_and_turn around_and_across Tathagata_Store... 040918
mp21k ***
* Hurricane

When it comes to forecasting the course of hurricanes, the only sure prediction is that there will be some unexpected twists.
. "It shouldn't be so surprising that hurricanes can be surprisingafter all," 040918
Charley For instance,

"Hurricane / Tropical_storm_Charley"'s force took Experts by Surprise:-

13 August 2004 A last-minute turn ("M" shift) of its Center_of_Gravity:-

Forecasters had expected Charley to hit the populous Tampa area and nearly 2 million people were ordered to evacuate.

But the storm gathered intensity as it headed for land and made a last-minute turn that brought it ashore farther south,
catching off guard many who had ignored evacuation orders because they thought they were safe
. Max Mayfield, National Hurricane Center director, told reporters Saturday in Miami, 24 hours after Charley slammed into Florida's western coast.

"A lot of people think we can give them a near perfect forecast.
We know we can't give them a near perfect forecast."

"A lot of people think we can give them a near perfect forecast.
We know we can't give them a near perfect forecast."
. ***
* Earthquake

Science Is Left a Bit Rattled by the Quake That Didn't Come

Wed Sep 8, 7:55 AM ET

Earlier this year, an international research team led by 83-year-old UCLA professor Vladimir Keilis-Borok had forecast that "a moderate quake would rattle the California desert before Sept. 5."

This time he wasn't right.

"We're more pessimistic about quake prediction now than we were 40 years ago," said Clarence Allen, a professor emeritus of geology and geophysics at Caltech.
An "amazing" newslink Massive_storm_and_Major_earthquake_rock_America 040919
kookaburra is just plain weird today it's an exact art 040919
Prediction kx21 (20 July 2004)
What's_next after shock_and_awe of Fire on Earth around_and_across "Venus_Returns" in July 2004?

. Within next 100 days -

Massive Storm & Major Earthquake Rock America

e.g. California- LA / SF...

Tell / Show One why_not...
And_I_will_tell_you_how_wonder_you_are... 040720
Charley "Moment_of_Truth"


"This has the potential of being the one we’ve all been worrying about,” 040812
Frances Bigger than Tropical_storm_Charley... 040902 040919
47th day a_'marathon'_of_anxiety_and_devastation 040919
Ivan Sep 16, 2004

59th day Sep 16 ("916") 2004 040919
916 Ivan_vs_911 040919
mp21k Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions,"
"Interactions Chart," and
the "History of the Universe"
god maybe not, but the formula for sprite MUST be adhered to at any cost. 041003
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who go