Arwyn and I'm tired of you expecting me to be. You always seem to expect me to accept the responsibilities that are yours.

You lied to me to get me in bed. That I understand and have sadly, accepted, but you... YOU made a decision that night when you didn't put on a condom, just like I did... and when the child came 9 months later, I accepted my responsibility and ever since then, you've been running. You hid behind your friends, your work, your video games, your affairs you thought i never knew about and your stupid magic: the gathering tournaments. I knew about all of it and I knew you were hiding, so I kept trying to coax you out. But now... I'm not your wife anymore. And I'm tired of you expecting me to maintain your relationship with YOUR child. I'm not going to travel back here for you to spend time with him, that's not my job. My job is to keep him happy and healthy and to inform you of his school breaks so that, if you choose to, you can make arrangements to see him. *sigh* There are so many days in a week, month, year and hell, even an hour, that I hate you.

there... I admit it.
what's it to you?
who go