yummychuckle sun in libra
moon in taurus
mercury in scorpio
venus in scorpio
mars in aquarius
jupiter in pisces
saturn in sagittarius
uranus in sag
neptune in capricorn
pluto in scorpio

1st house...
leo ascendant

ok screw it im sick of typing. but thats me. october 19,1986 2 am easton, MD
cube We became involved in astrology years back when my sister brought back the Chinese version (as well as the I Ching) from her travels. We crossed it with our western astrology and were always surprised at how accurately both systems potrayed the people we knew.

I've read Linda Goodmans's books and a few more besides. I'm no expert but, have done my own natal chart (with software) and those of some people I know. Usually, if I get the time and location right, the results are pretty accurate.

I like finding the tie-in points, the overlapping commonalities, between the various realms. As most of you know, there is also a religious bent to my life. For me, there is no conflict with astrology and religion; in fact astrology could be considered as a useful tool.

Case in point; if we are all children of God, what better way to give each of us a unique identity than to use a solar system - with it's near infinite permutations. Once set in motion, the system runs on autopilot. Problem solved. I have no proof of the correctness of this theory, of course, but the two realms do dovetail nicely at that point.

Unless we keep an open mind, it is quite impossible to think out of the cube, er, box :-)
RedDragon I have an open mind, but if you want to keep it receptive leave your supreme being out of the scene. 040207
bb35 must read horoscopes for me: rob b's in and caerial (sp?) c's in

cancer and leo both (cusp) ....

i'm constantly amazed.....
what's it to you?
who go