sleepless Shifting between worlds and places
Different people, different faces.
Trying to gauge prevailing mood
Ignoring murmurs of a feud.
Conversing over hidden walls
Dodging queries, missing calls.
Avoiding gazes, stopping short
In case a slip-up might be caught.

A complex web of thoughts and deeds
Can plant the most intriguing seeds.
Watered by the rain of rumour
Flowers blossom all the sooner.
One word should not make others weep
The meaning may not be so deep.
A tantalising drop of feeling
Can falsely send emotions reeling.

Don't look too far into the lens
And dream of how the story ends.
Sometimes it pays to stand aside
Experience the fairground ride.
But sinking deep into the brine
Is what I do most of the time.
This path is one that I still trace
To break out of a darker place.
bob fish incey-wincey spider... 010301
florescent light went up the water spout... 010301
sleepless damn, I started this spider's web thing
and now I've forgotten the rest of the poem.
girl_jane I like the ones in the summer-the ones between the rails of the deck all covered with dew in the morning and they shine and shimmer in the sunrise light... 020310
once again We used to sing... there's a web like a spider's web, made of silk and light and shadow, spun by the moon in my room at night...

a kind of joyful harmony... it's a web made to catch a dream, hold it tight till I awake and tell me that dream is all right...

Good Night.
what's it to you?
who go