ever dumbening should i really spend this much money for a studio apartment? what is going on? what have i gotten into? am i prepared for this? argh. 080117
jane no - come live in sacramento 080118
ever dumbening it seems the meth has permanently saturated your brain cells, making them a worthless gelatinous mess. back away from the glass pipe. 080118
Ouroboros as long as you still have enough ca$h for scones 080124
ever dumbening i'm seriously losing my mind. 080124
actually you never had one (nor did anyone else) 080124
ever dumbening yeah, but not in that good buddhist kinda way. 080124
jane so what's the deal, homie? 080125
ever dumbening noch homie-less, weisst du? 080125
jane ich weiss es nicht. tut mir leid. 080126
ever dumbening i didn't even end up applying for that one. 1400 for a fucking studio.

i did, however, drop 30 bucks on a credit check just to be told the following for a tiny one bedroom that's going for $1450:

"Hi James,

I finally got the landlord on the phone tonight. I'm sorry to say he decided to move forward with another application. Please keep checking our website to see if anything else would work for you. I realize we have a limited amount of listings that you finacially qualify for but we get new listings all the time and now that I have your credit info and refs you would be ready to go should something come up."

dude, i make 50,000 fucking dollars a year, and there's not much that i financially qualify for?

what's it to you?
who go