silentbob im tired but not sleepy
im hungry but cant eat
im sick but cant vomit
the pain ive got within me
ive got an idea but cant formulate the words
to explain just what this rainy atmosphere
around me is
and im so sad but cant cry my eyes out
you don't understand what you do to me do you
you don't undesrtand what it's like for me
locked inside this hell
you don't understand what a treat for me
it is to see your smiling face
i don't understand what it's like for you
knowing i exist and not doing anything
to stop the way i am
i don't understand the way you think sometimes
how could you care about something less than you
im blind but im dreaming
im kicking and not hitting anything
im drowning in a bed with no water anywhere
and all i can see is your smiling face
CheapVodka i truly love this...this is definitely the highlight of my day...

it describes the exact way i feel at this point in time
silentbob i thought you were giong to call me 011110
CheapVodka i would...but i can't do that when you're not ever home

i called 2 timez...both times you were gone

and i don't wanna call too late
sEth And shes my girlfriend...So if she calls you, Im going to kill you, Bobby Evers 011110
CheapVodka jeeze 011110
what's it to you?
who go