unhinged you can't see what
you've done to me
i'll hide it with sweatrs
i can't redo what
has been undone
and for a brief second
in the hour of my life
i was happy
and i'm calling out for you
and hearing nothing in return
cast aside like an outgrown teddy bear
time passes to remind me
that all these smiles
are reduced to bitter memories
and small biting red lines
smiles that learn to hide
of walls sure to collide
when i'm in a crowded room
i'm more alone
jumping through hoops for you
i'll never erase the way you appreciated me
enough to hold me at night
but not enough to believe i was
telling you the truth
when i said 'i love you'
whitechocolatewalrus brick made of walls
around me circled
turning spinning
find to seem, i can't
the bricks way up the
out i can't see
can't see you in
ladder i wish
high way up
for to climb you in
desperately me alone
here tears flying
walls sticking to
my bricks of wall
high so
see in you can't
want i for you to in see
i so screwed up am backwards am i
doar . 040831
deathofarose she left me in the babies arms,
wavering and plaintive,
waiting for the walls of this prison
to become a morphic resonance,
crying out for sustenance.

in the middle of our ocean,
I saw the hubris of the green whale.
what's it to you?
who go