starjewel I wanted it to rain today
The splash of crystal to caress my skin
I wanted the grey clouds to stay
Beads to cascade from the sky, and me drinking all of them in
So that I could dance and sing and play, I wanted it to rain today.

I wanted it to rain ya know?
And splash through my smiling refelection
I wanted to run, to just go and go
Having no sense at all of direction
So that I could soar, fly free, and float, I wanted it to rain you know?

I wanted it to rain ya see?
Just light and dusty sprinkles
Would have liked a light drizzle just for me
So I could watch the puddle's wrinkles
So that I could scat, and splash tap dancing feet, I wanted it to rain ya see?

I wanted to see you standing there soaking,
That shy unsure smile still gracing your face
When I told you I loved you, I wasn't joking
Can't you still feel my lingering embrace?
So that I could stop wishing and dreaming and hoping, I wanted to see you there soaking.

I wanted it to rain today
So that I could dance and sing and play.
I wanted it to rain ya know?
So that I could soar, fly free, and float.
I wanted it to rain ya see?
So that I could scat, and splash tap dancing feet.
I wanted to see you there soaking,
So that I could stop wishing and dreaming and hoping,
That it would rain today.
pipedream how evocatively lyrical, starjewel, you surpass yourself. 040121
starjewel Wow, thank you I never knew I could surpass myself... I better go back and get me so I can write some more 040123
pipers yep you do that....and run faster! you are a breath of fresh crisp air :) 040123
time_warp now i do
simply to match
that fudcking basterd.
AntiJester I want it to STORM when I am mad...

and I want it rain hard and strait when I am lonely, with a soft rumble far away. I always wonder if the light crash is pointing me in the direction of you.

And when I am with you, I want to hear the patter of old rain against my bedroom windows, with surpising booms that make you hold me even tigher.
pipedream i want it to be hot and muggy when i'm mad, sunshine blazing as hard as my anger...storms make me happy, i go dancing in the rain 040125
what's it to you?
who go