silentbob this was two days ago so i'll try to remember to the best of my abilities.
Me and my friend danny were recording a cover of Jimmy Eat World's The Middle for his band's cd. and i think we were also in the imaginary Jimmy Eat World movie that apaprently exists in my unconcious. And we sounded awesome. And then i was in my bedroom and all these people were there like this guy josh from the cybercafe here, and it was weird and i think we went to hawaii cuz it was hot and then yummychuckle was there and she crawled into my bed but at all times her head was facing me because thats what her pictures look like, so thats how she looked in my dreams, always facing my eyes or something. and something happened with jimmy eat world, something wacky like you might see in a wanna-be-a-hard-days-night movie about a band being wacky, only it was The Jimmy Eat World Movie. and in my dream it was just like, "OH, oh right, the jimmy eat world movie" as if it were real, and then all these guys were in my hotel room and i told them theyd have to leave soon cuz "a girl" was coming back and they were all like, "OH!!" but i woke up before yummychuckle came back.

fucking weird dreams i have.
yummychuckle tehe thats silly. 020403
what's it to you?
who go