non-fag you all suck.
and youre fags. this website sucks and you all have no lives. im gonna go beat off, its more productive than this.
Strideo yes, well we wouldn't want your poor little brain to blow a fuse here so feel free to go do something that doesn't exceed your mental capacaty.

phil my number is scrawled across your mom's dildo. 031118
Silently_Broken ugh, I despise you repugnant fools who come here oblivious to the art herein. Go and play in the road or something. 031118
lotsa gay men oh honey, i love it when you talk dirty.

can we watch.
stork daddy i don't know...he does have a point 031118
phil (90^2)*(pi/198)/45=(180*pi)/198 031118
endless desire hahaha they tell me that at school and i just laugh.
because im so much happier here than i am with them.
they say i spend too much time here
that i should come and talk
that blather is for gay whiney poet people.
i think they are jealous!
i love you blather.
oE "gay whiney poet people" i gotta admit i chuckled a little when i read that..

ps - hey endless..
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl this site rules
i feel so much better here than with the bitchings and whinings of the ppl here.

i LOVE all you ppl.
this site has made me so much happier.

thank you.
Strideo This site sucks like a bunch of
cats_on_a_skateboard holding a
molotov_cocktail while reciting
ogre_poetry and sliding into a

In other words . . . IT ROCKS!

whitechocolatewalrus non-fag, if it sucks, then why are you here? 040103
whitechocolatewalrus haha, i can't believe i said that. 040713
dudeinanigloo (Random Ironic Statement)

*After all the years of being a homophobe, non-fag finds out he is gay*
what's it to you?
who go