oren Who_is going_to be_the next contestant? 080629
Strideo I used to watch it whenever I stayed home sick from school.

adam panhandler the price is WRONG, BITCH! 080630
pobodys nerfect Years ago, I used to babysit two girls, and one of them (Courtney, age 7 at the time) would watch that show every single day. Without fail.

You know how the audience always does that "woooo!" cheering when someone gets picked? Well, Courtney would do that too...only, she'd do it REALLY loud. She'd feel bad if they lost prizes, and she'd get super excited whenever they won them; almost like she knew those people personally. It was pretty cute. =0)

One day, she was supposed to go with her dad for a "take your daughter to work" thing and realized she was going to miss a show, and it upset her. She asked me if i would please watch The Price Is Right for her and find out who won (they didn't have a vcr). I thought her request was so adorable that i did watch it, and i even took notes of who won what prizes.

The nicest thing was seeing her when she got home that day, because she was soooo happy her sister and i had really watched it for her...and of course, she felt emotion for the contestants who won/lost prizes that day too... heh, makes me smile thinking about it. =0)
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