once again I was going to try this in my LJ, but this place has a larger audience. I want you to tell me who you think I am.

Who you think misstree is... or syrope... or werewolf... or Effingham_Fish... or fyn_gula... or blather_spell_check...

Be specific... be honest...

who is...
. . 040814
witchesrequiem They are fellow peep ....poets..and definitly exspressive by nature.
This is blather, not the psycic hot line.
Sorry wrong set!
puredream symphonic? 040827
symphonic take a leap of faith and check my name out. 040827
suicidalchinadoll symphonic is beautiful

symphonic not really, symphonic is a sporadic temporary replacement theorist bent on world domination (or at least new guinea, i despise them with a passion, damn them and their new guinea ways!). 040901
dis claimer (The above blathe is in now way the ideology/political stance/belief/geas of the newdream network. Any and all derogoraty comments made by users of this website should not be taken as the views of anyone associated with the above). 040901
suicidalchinadoll thorny bites


what makes you think I don't appreciate thoughts of world domination? however sketchy...
Masks suicidalchinadoll? 040902
suicidalchinadoll of course

but aren't we all?
Syrope what do you mean who am i? 040916
what's it to you?
who go