not important
Big. Coffin shaped. Overlooked. Join the movement! When people ask you your sign, tell them you are an Ophiuchus! needs to get more sleep
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*thought you were talking about a plant*
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Ok f*ck it. I'm an Ophiuchus too. Can we make it like the sign that's in the center of the zodiac then? That way it could sort of be everybody's sign. Then we really COULD have a sign as vague and meaningless as the critics claim the current ones are. Let's see. A typical description of an Ophiuchus might go something like this: " Ophiuchus March 19 - March 18 Symbol: A stick figure of a human being Ruler: The Earth If you were born under the sign of Ophiuchus, you are fotunate indeed! You probably tend to scratch yourself when you get up in the morning and will usually be found pulling your underwear from the crack of your ass at that time. You most likely have hair on your head or elsewhere on your body. If not, you almost certainly wear a hat or some other head covering or have a shiny noggin. Your favorite thing to eat is food. This is a marked trait along with a fondness for rehydrating liquids. You can expect something in the mail this week, depending upon your particular Sun aspects, candidates might be bills, advertisements or a depressing bank statement. Ophiuchus rules the finger and toenails and therefore it is likely that you will have these, if not all of them, some of them. You will probably engage in trimming them at some time in your life if you haven't already. People born under the sign of Ophiuchus tend to prefer, as adults, walking upright to crawling, sleeping when they are tired and are almost ALWAYS wherever it is that they happen to be at any given time."
what's it to you?