re_alisma schizophrenics who murder people have a duel problem with perceptions and uncontrolled rageful aggression.

of course, schizophrenia can be maddening and, yes, rage producing. but never once have i thought that would want to hurt somebody else. and truly, barely even myself.

either what i say is true, or i don't actually know much about schizophrenia. that is, i don't suffer from it. which, according to medical records, i do.

anyway, my brother's childhood friend's little brother just killed an elderly couple. he had had schizophrenia from an early age, probably ever since my brother's childhood friend was killed in a car crash.

i feel bad for their parents especially.

i don't want to rule out "cultural causes" but it is obviously mostly the sickness(es), inability of the medical community to cope with all cases, and lack of moral groundedness within these individuals. they are not clear on the most basic rights and wrongs, and with the blasting of parameters caused by the disease, definitely need a more rigorous treatment and intervention. how that's supposed to happen, ?.

no wonder psychic (hate that word) me was up in the middle of the night. also, makes you want to shut down and go cold to any such news story that might come up ever again. how can i, in my positive non-harming self-concept, possibly have time for this?

if psychiatrists want to step up to the plate, they are free to at any time. i know they're ringing in the cash, so, you know, they should earn it.
what's it to you?
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