stork daddy like hopfrog on a good day 030508
v don't worry! you are not alone! 040922
poet i too am a fool 040923
Deomis for ever thinking that you were anything more than what they said. I should have never trusted you. 040923
unhinged but i really don't pick who i fall in love with. i could say that i have some amount of control over it, but that's a lie. that big ball of lead in my heart is attracted to him, a powerful magnet. and i am a fool, but i have no control over these things. the tug of metal to magnet and i have no control over how hard fast and deep i fall. a natural disaster and it seems to be the worst year for hurricanes that i can ever remember. and it is the same attraction that i swore in my brain i would never have, but once again my heart makes me a fool. and my heart aches to be near him and my brain derisively laughs at what i know will be the inevitable outcome. kind of like how they were all snickering last night, watching me with him. even before the opium, my heart wanted to be near him. i am a fool; i should run away while i still can. but my heart wants to stay right where it is; inside him. 040924
unhinged but sometimes school is only a small corner of my life

that even to this day, i can't stop thinking about him; sam
monee i_am_a_tool
andru235 who isn't?!?

(a response of "i'm not!" surely indicates otherwise)
what's it to you?
who go